Completed Research Projects
- Active and Healthy Brotherhood: a tailored lifestyle program for African American Men age 45 and older
- Accountability for Cancer Care through Undoing Racism and Equity (ACCURE)
- Adding plays to the “playbook:” Translating school meals programs during COVID-19 to best practices for future school closures
- Ad-Vance Kids: A Community-Engaged Approach to Inform a Rural, Multi-Level Community-Based Child Obesity Prevention Intervention
- Aging in Orange County: Exploring Options for Housing and Care
- Are We Our Brother’s Keeper?
- Assessing the Effects of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) Among Lower-Wage Workers (SIP 14-032)
- Assessing the Lifetime Economic Burden in Younger, Midlife, and Older Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Behavioral Economics and Healthy Food Choice Research (BECR)
- Better Together
- Black Farmland Loss Needs Assessment
- Breastfeeding, Antiretrovirals and Nutrition Study (BAN)
- Cancer Screening Change Package
- Cardiac Rehab – DRA Validation Study
- Care2bWell: A Worksite Physical Activity & Wellness Program for Child Care Staff
- Carolina Heart Alliance Networking for Greater Equity (CHANGE)
- Center for Training and Research Translation (Center TRT)
- Chatham Food Hub
- Comparing Options for Management: Patient-Centered Results for Uterine Fibroids (COMPARE-UF)
- Connecting Behavioral Science to COVID-19 Vaccine Demand Network
-, A Resource for Point of Sale Tobacco Control (SIP 14-029)
- Decision Aid to Enhance Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Factor Modification
- Development of a Self-Report Instrument to Assess Nutrition and Physical Activity Environments of Child Care Settings
- Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Toolkit, Training, and Technical Assistance
- Effects of Physical Activity Calorie Expenditure (PACE) Food Labeling
- Enhancing Surveillance of Fluorosis Using Imaging Technology
- Evaluating the effect of regulatory strategies to reduce illegal Internet cigarette, alcohol and opiate sales
- Evaluation of the Wisconsin FNV Campaign
- Expanding SummerMeals4NCKids
- Family-Based Diabetes Self-Management Training for African American Adults
- Farm Fresh Foods for Healthy Kids: Innovative Community Supported Agriculture Cost-Offset Intervention to Prevent Childhood Obesity and Strengthen Local Agricultural Economies
- Farm-to-ECE Best Practices: Creating Tools to Facilitate Change through Go NAPSACC
- Go NAPSACC Kentucky Dissemination and Implementation
- Greensboro Cancer Care and Racial Equity Study (CCares): A community-based participatory research approach
- Healthy Child Weight Through Improved Parent Practices and Environmental Change
- Heart Healthy Lenoir – UNC Center for Reduced Cardiovascular Disease Disparities
- Heart to Health
- Home Self-Administered Tool for Environmental Assessment of Activity and Diet (HomeSTEAD)
- HOPE (Health, Opportunity, Partnerships, Empowerment) Works
- Intensive Behavioral Weight Management in Public Health Settings
- It Takes a Village, a Multidisciplinary, Multilevel Evaluation (SIP 14-020)
- Keys to Healthy Family Childcare Homes
- Multi-Level Communication Strategies to Promote HPV Vaccination Uptake
- National Council on Aging Center for Healthy Aging/National Falls Prevention Resource Center
- A Natural Experiment Evaluating the Effect of a Minimum Wage Increase on Obesity and Diet-Related Outcome (The WAGE$ Study)
- NC WAY to Health
- The North Carolina Cleft Outcomes Study
- North Carolina Green Cart Program
- Nutrition and physical activity practices and policies of childcare centers in the south
- The Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (NAP SACC)
- Objective Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health in Women Aged 80 and Older
- Our Year of Healthy Living (Healthy Me, Healthy We)
- Piloting an Evaluation of North Carolina’s Healthy Helpings Fruit and Vegetable Incentive program among SNAP households
- Quick CHEF
- Reducing CVD Risk among Women Accessing Reproductive Health Services
- Seeds of HOPE
- Shape NC
- SIP 21-002: How Alcohol Sources and Direct to Consumer Sales Impact Alcohol Behavior and Outcomes in a Shifting Regulatory Environment
- Smoke-Free Homes (Brief Interventions to Create Smoke-Free Home Policies in Low-Income Households)
- SNAP-Ed EFNEP Regional Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Centers of Excellence (RNECE-South)
- SPROUTS: Development of Eating Behaviors in Young Children
- Understanding How Food Waste and Food Safety Impact Food Donations to Address Food Insecurity in North Carolina
- Understanding Reach and Implementation of School Nutrition Safety Net Programs for NC Families During COVID-19: Implications for Policy and Practice
- Weight-Wise Pilot Study
- WISEWOMAN (Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation in Women Across the Nation)
- Workplace Health Research Network (WHRN), UNC Coordinating Center (SIP 14:030)