Comprehensive Cancer Control Collaborative of North Carolina (4CNC)
Project Title
Comprehensive Cancer Control Collaborative of North Carolina (4CNC)
Funding Dates
9/2019 – 9/2024
4CNC promotes the use of evidence-based interventions to prevent cancer, detect cancer at earlier stages, and improve treatment outcomes in communities across North Carolina. The 4CNC vision includes health care providers, community members, and researchers working together to reduce the burden of cancer, especially among those who are disproportionately affected. The purpose of 4CNC is to conduct community-based cancer prevention and control research that identifies effective clinical and public health cancer prevention and control interventions, supports decision-making related to intervention impacts across different contexts, and applies implementation strategies to integrate effective interventions into a wide range of clinical and community settings. 4CNC provides training, technical assistance, and tools to support the adoption and implementation of proven cancer prevention and control interventions. 4CNC projects include colorectal cancer screening in pharmacies, organizational theory in implementation science, financial toxicity among rural cancer patients, and dissemination of our Putting Public Health Evidence into Action curriculum.
4CNC is a Collaborating Center of the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN). HPDP also houses the CPCRN Coordinating Center.
Research AreasÂ
Cancer Prevention and Control
Health Equity
Principal Investigator
Rachel Hirschey, PhD, RD & Alison Brenner, PhD
Project Director & Contact
Mary Wangen (
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; National Cancer Institute