FAMily-centered WEight Loss for Black Adults (FAM WEL B-ing): Optimization and Evaluation using Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) and Social Network Analysis (SNA)
Project Title
FAMily-centered WEight Loss for Black Adults (FAM WEL B-ing): Optimization and Evaluation using Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) and Social Network Analysis (SNA)
Funding Dates
05/01/2024 – 04/30/2025*
*this project operates using a phased funding mechanism. Subsequent 4 years of funding are contingent on meeting Year 1 milestones.
Black adults have a higher prevalence of obesity in the U.S. than other racial or ethnic groups, placing them at higher risk for conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Yet existing weight loss interventions that promote lifestyle changes are not optimized for Black adults and do not leverage family social support networks.
The research team has previously developed and implemented family-centered behavioral weight loss interventions for Black adults, including both couples and family member dyads. This study works to optimize these interventions.
In this study, researchers will recruit Black adult family dyads, who will receive a version of the core weight loss intervention. Through both quantitative and qualitative analyses, the study will measure the effectiveness of number of training sessions, in-person versus online delivery, inclusion of family communication and conflict skills training, and inclusion of family cohesion training.
Research Areas
Cardiovascular Health, Obesity, & Diabetes
Nutrition & Physical Activity
Health Equity
Principal Investigator
Carmen D. Samuel-Hodge, MS, RD, PhD
National Institutes of Health – National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute