No Kid Hungry NC
Project Title
No Kid Hungry North Carolina (No Kid Hungry NC)
Funding Dates
Ongoing since 2014
No Kid Hungry NC works to end child hunger and ensure kids get the food they need by increasing access to underutilized federal child nutrition programs for school breakfast, afterschool meals, and summer meals. It works closely with state agencies, schools and school districts, community partners, and others to expand, promote, and innovate within these nutrition programs. No Kid Hungry NC also offers Cooking Matters for Kids programming through schools in Orange County, and at meal sites in the summer months.
Currently, No Kid Hungry NC is focused on expanding access to the SUN Summer Nutrition Programs for Kids that provide free nutrition while school is out. That work includes providing grants and paid interns to schools and community organizations that use innovative new methods of reaching rural areas with food.
No Kid Hungry NC is a partnership between Share Our Strength and the UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. The No Kid Hungry NC team works on the Carolina Hunger Initiative project, which is also a part of UNC HPDP.
Research AreasÂ
Cardiovascular Health, Obesity, and Diabetes
Children’s Health
Healthy Food Access
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Rural Health
Principal Investigator
Lou Anne Crumpler
Share Our Strength