In the Media
Southern food goes healthy
May 30, 2024
Alice Ammerman chats with Leoneda Inge, co-host of WUNC’s “Due South”, on blending a Mediterranean style of eating with traditionally Southern food traditions to improve how Southerners eat and enhance their health and well-being.
Development, Testing, and Implementation of the Med-South Lifestyle Program among Adults with Diabetes in NC Public Health Settings
May 6, 2024
Alice Ammerman andCarmen Samuel-Hodge presented on the development, testing, and implementation of the Med-South Lifestyle Program among adults with diabetes in North Carolina public health settings.
The Med-South Diet: How to Eat Healthy When You Love Southern Cooking
May 15, 2023
2022-23 NC Schweitzer Fellow and MD/PhD Candidate, Ray Cheever, reflects on the challenge North Carolinians face in adopting the Mediterranean diet, often believing it requires abandoning beloved Southern foods. He highlights how the Med-South Lifestyle Program adapts the Mediterranean diet to include healthy Southern staples, offering a sustainable and enjoyable approach to healthy eating for his family and others in the region.
How to Enjoy the Mediterranean Diet Using Foods Near You
July 29, 2021
What does it look like to incorporate aspects of the Mediterranean Diet for a Southeastern population? Carmen Samuel-Hodge suggested strategies and recipes to help people incorporate Mediterranean eating habits into their existing diets.
What’s Wrong With The Southern Diet? Not Much That Can’t Be Fixed Researchers Say
September 06, 2019
Tom Keyserling shares how Med-South participants in a Lenoir County have been able to continue eating foods they know and enjoy while experiencing benefits to their overall health.