Ellen Caylor Schneider, MBA
Research Scientist
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ellen Caylor Schneider’s primary areas of focus include healthy aging, falls prevention, evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention programming, and dementia. Ms. Schneider has been a consultant with the National Council on Aging (NCOA) since 2006 and works with NCOA’s National Falls Prevention Resource Center. She has provided technical assistance to more than 30 states to establish falls prevention coalitions and disseminate evidence-based programs. Ms. Schneider has worked extensively with local, state, and national organizations to implement healthy aging policy, programming, and systems change. Additionally, she is managing a national review process to ascertain whether program applicants meet the U.S. Administration for Community Living’s criteria for evidence-based programs.
On the state level, Ms. Schneider is a co-founder of the North Carolina Falls Prevention Coalition and a founding member of the Dementia-Friendly NC Coalition. She is a dissemination leader with the Carolina Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program to support efforts to link clinical practice with community-based services. Ellen is also co-principal investigator for a grant from The Duke Endowment to implement dementia-friendly training in four UNC health care hospitals. Ms. Schneider received her undergraduate degree and MBA from the Pennsylvania State University and graduate-level Certificate in Aging from UNC-Chapel Hill.