About HPDP
The UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention addresses pressing health problems by collaborating with communities to conduct research, provide training, and translate research findings into policy and practice. The Center seeks to reduce health disparities through an emphasis on community-engaged research. The CDC selected HPDP to be one of its first three Prevention Research Centers in 1986. Now comprised of 20 academic institutions, the PRC program is an interdependent network of community, academic, and public health partners that conduct prevention research and promote practices proven to promote good health. Review our PRC Profile for more information about our work.
Our Vision
Our vision is to work in partnership to bring public health research findings to the daily lives of individuals and their communities with a special focus on North Carolina and populations vulnerable to disease.
Our Mission
Our mission is to collaborate with research and community partners to:
- enhance the ability of public health practitioners, as well as individuals, groups and communities to promote health and prevent disease;
- identify funding opportunities and support high quality research;
- conduct, evaluate and disseminate innovative, community-based research; and
- develop education and training programs to translate research into public health practice.
HPDP believes that all people — regardless of their gender, ethnicity, race, class, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or age — are entitled to resources and opportunities that foster a healthy life. We value the assets, resources, and resiliency of communities of color and low-income communities who disproportionately experience racism and discrimination. We acknowledge that the norms and institutions of white privilege perpetuate the causes and multiply the effects of health inequities. HPDP is dedicated to changing this paradigm by confronting these forces at their root and by instituting equitable practices in all aspects of our work.
Read more about HPDP’s Values and Norms here.
Strategic Plan
Our 2022-2027 strategic plan identifies long-term goals and strategies, tactics for the first year of plan implementation, and procedures for assessing progress. Strategic planning was guided by an internal leadership team and an external consultant who collaborated to engage HPDP staff and stakeholders throughout the process. We are now in the implementation phase and will reassess annually.
Download the executive summary of the strategic plan for more information.
Check out our strategic plan year 1 and year 2 highlights.
Center Overview Brochure