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Project Title

Are We Our Brother’s Keeper?

Funding Dates



Are We Our Brother’s Keeper? was an intervention study to improve the health of Black men living in northern Orange County. Specifically, it was a program for Black men in church congregations to serve as “Navigators” for men who have heart disease or have had a stroke.

The purpose of the study was to learn about ways to collaborate with African-American churches in northern Orange County to improve men’s health. The intervention (1) documented the cultural tools of 26 rural African-American churches’ sacred role and their associations with the secular role of providing service to benefit men; (2) identified and described interruptions or deviations from the standard course of cardiovascular disease (CVD) screening, care, and perceived reasons from the men’s points of view; and (3) compared men’s adherence to CVD care between intervention and comparison churches, before and after piloting 4 church-based Navigator protocols in partnership with a health department nurse.

Research Areas 

Cardiovascular Health, Obesity, and Diabetes
Health Equity

Additional Topics

Principal Investigator

Eugenia Eng, MPH, DrPH


National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLI); National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD)